Softball Pitching Mound | Pro PDS Power Drive Pitching Mound
The Pro Power Drive Softball Pitching Mound. The Name says it All. We have been working and testing it for over a year with some of the best in the sport. You want True Power ? You want True Drive ? With our patented spring system That’s Exactly what you have in our Wonderful New Training Tool. The Pro Power Drive Softball Pitching Mound ! There’s no just leaning forward and making it work. With the Pro PDS SPM Spring System you have to weight shift and compress into the drive position to get it to teeter and you have to maintain that compression to keep it teetered forward until you Fully Launch. This is what Builds that True Muscle Memory to Drive with the back foot and leg. With its Foot Guides you can’t prematurely rotate on the back foot. When you rotate during your launch you lose a minimum of 30% of your power which results in big loss of velo. Remember the Power comes from your lower half which produces Arm Speed for maximum velo. The beauty of the Pro Power Drive Systems is each one of our products is designed with the Natural Bio Mechanics in mind. The only wow factor you will find with our products is the Positive Result you Will Have in Your Game. Remember, dare to compare and go with the Best that Guarantees Positive Results.