Baseball Pitching Mound | Pro PDS Power Drive Pitching Mound
The Power Drive Pitching Mound is One-of-a-Kind. It is the Only pitching mound that Teaches your pitcher how to Balance and Drive with their Lower Half the Proper Way. The Power Drive Pitching Mound builds Proper Muscle Memory Mechanics on how to drive with the back Leg/Knee and the Instep of the back foot. It also teaches one of the most important things in pitching. Balance!!! Making Pitching for baseball a lot easier.
The Power Drive Pitching Mound teaches the pitcher to have balance from the time the front leg is raised to the weight transfer into the drive position. By learning how to Balance and how to Properly Drive your pitcher will Gain Velocity on their pitches and have Less Stress on their arm. You can use the Power Drive Pitching Mound while you throw a ball or dry runs indoors or out. Remember, There is NO substitute for developing Proper mechanics in any part of your game.